Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Sukhoi Su-24

The Sukhoi Su-24 (изделие Т-6) is a supersonic, ground-attack aircraft in service with the Russian Air Force. It was designed and developed by the State-run manufacturer Sukhoi for the Soviet Armed Forces during the Cold War, entering service in 1974. Due to its capacity to fly at supersonic speeds (both at very low levels and at high altitudes) and to having a payload of 8,500 kg, the Fencer, as it is known in the West, is much superior to the vaunted American A-10 Thunderbolt II, which is slow.

Having been constantly upgraded, there are different versions of this Russian aircraft: the Su-24M, Su-24M2, Su-24MK (export variant), Su-24MR (reconnaissance), and Su-24P (electronic warfare version for radar jamming).

Design characteristics

The Sukhoi Su-24 is fitted with variable sweep wings. These wings are shoulder-mounted, with four degrees sweep settings: 69°, for low-levels flight; 45°, for cruise speed; and 16°, for take-off and landing. It has swept tailplanes and one vertical fin. It is powered by two Lyulka Al-21F-3A afterburning turbojet engines, which allow the Fencer to fly at the maximum speed of 1,655 km/h (Mach 1.6). The power plant is equipped with two rectangular air intakes, which are located at the side of fuselage and under the wing. Equipped with a terrain-following radar and computerized navigation system, the Su-24 is an all-weather combat aircraft capable of penetrating any enemy air-defense detection system when flying at very low levels at supersonic speeds.

Below, the Su-24 parked a Soviet airbase in 1985. You can see its six hardpoints fitted with multiple ejector racks, each carrying three 250-kg free-fall bombs.


As armament, the Su-24 Fencer has one 23mm rotary gun. It has a payload capacity of 8,500 kg, being able to carry four R-73E air-to-air missiles (for self-defense), two Kh-59 medium-range TV-guided cruise missiles and two Kh-31 anti-ship missiles, or two Kh-58 anti-radiation missiles, or five laser-guided anti-bunker smart bombs.


Wingspan (with wings fully spread): 17.64 m

Wing area: 55.2 m²

Length: 22.5 m

Height: 6.2 m

Crew: 2

Hardpoints: 6

Below, you can see a cutaway drawing of the Lyulka Al-21F-3 turbojet engine that powers the Su-24 aircraft

Below, the Fencer with full-spread wings

The Su-24 in swept-back wing mode

Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer in flight (video) 


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