Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sukhoi Su-34

The Sukhoi Su-34 'Fullback' is a Russian multi-role fighter aircraft. It was developed from the Su-27 Flanker, entering service in 2014. Compared to the original model, the Fullback had more powerful engines and more advanced avionic. It could also carry three times the bomb-load of the Su-27.

Its latest version is the Su-34M, which is able to carry the Kalibr supersonic cruise missile and FAB-500 laser guided bombs as it is fitted with new hard-points. This variant also has improved radar, sighting and communication systems. So far, about 160 Su-34 aircraft have been built and delivered to the Russian Air Force. It has already seen combat action in Syria and Ukraine.

Technical Characteristics

This Russian aircraft is a two-seat, twin-engine supersonic monoplane. It is fitted with cropped swept-back aircraft. For better maneuverability and flight stability, the Su-34 is fitted with canards, which are mid-mounted before the wings. The jet engines air intakes are located on belly of aircraft. The nose of this plane resembles a duck bill. The tail section is equipped with twin fins and rudders.


Length: 23.34 m

Wingspan: 14.7 m

Wing Area: 62.04 square meters

Height: 6 m

Power Plant: two Saturn AL-31FM1 turbofan engines.

Maximum Speed: Mach 1.8 at high altitude

Combat Range: 1,100 km.

Bomb-load: 14,000-kg (missiles and bombs)

Below, front view of the Sukhoi Su-34

The Fullback carrying a Kalibre missile as it takes off.

Three Su-34M fighters on the tarmac of an air base near Saint Petersburg. Notice the 500-kg bomb they carry.
Su-34 in action (video)



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