Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Yokosuka D4Y Suisei

The Yokosuka D4Y Suisei was a fast, carrier-based dive-bomber used by the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War II. When it was first spotted in the Pacific, the Allies gave it the code name: 'Judy'. The prototype had first flown in December 1941, entering service the following year. Aichi's manufacturing plants produced a total of 2,033 Suisei aircraft in four versions; D4Y1, D4Y2, D4Y3, and D4Y4.

By 1944, the Yokosuka D4Y had already been deployed to 9 Japanese aircraft carriers; Soryu, Taiho, Unyu, Zuikaku, Hiyo, Shokako, Chitose, Unryu, Shinyo, and Chiyoda. That year, this Japanese dive-bomber took part in the battles that took place during the Allied Mariana Islands campaign, the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the Battle of Iwo Jima, and the naval Battle of Leyte Gulf. Although it suffered many losses in the hands of American fighter aircraft, it sank the USS Princeton, and seriously damaged the USS Franklin, and Kalinin Bay carriers and escort carrier respectively.

Below, front-view photo of the D4Y1. This version of the Suisei was powered by one 1,400-HP Aichi Atsuta 32 piston engine.

Technical Characteristics

The Yokosuka D4Y was a two-seat, single-engine monoplane. It featured cantilever low-wing and an all-metal fuselage. It had a deck arrester hook set under the rear portion of fuselage for carrier landing. Aside from the ailerons, it was fitted with very long flaps on the wing trailing edge, which served as dive brakes for attacks the involved prolonged dives.

The bomb-load was carried in a bomb bay located beneath the forward fuselage, under the two-seat cockpit. The wide track landing gear retracted inwardly, with the wheels being completely housed in the wings, while the tail wheel folded up backwards covered by a hinged door. The D4Y3 version of the Suisei was powered by one Mitsubishi MK8P Kinsei 62 radial engine, which produced 1,560 HP.

Specifications (D4Y3)

Type: dive-bomber

Length: 10.22 m (33 feet, 6.4 inches)

Wing Span: 11.50 m (37 feet, 8.7 inches)

Wing Area: 23.60 m2 (254.04 sq. feet)

Height: 3.74 m (12 feet, 3 inches)

Powerplant: one 1,560-HP, Mitsubishi MK8P-62 engine.

Maxium Speed: 575 km/h (357 mph)

Range: 1,520 km (944 miles)

Armament: two fixed forward firing 7.7mm Type 97 machine gun; one 13.1mm Type 2 machine gun set up in rear cockpit. Bomb-load: 560 kg.

Below, photo of the D4Y prototype taken in 1941.

A Yokosuka D4Y3 in late 1944. It was captured by Allied forces in the Philippines after an emergency landing.


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