Friday, October 13, 2023

T-72B3M Tank

The T-72B3M tank is the latest upgrade of the T-72, which has become a third generation main battle tank. The modernization includes greatly improved armor (composite and reactive) as well as a new thermal sight and ballistic equipment. The new version is also known as the T-72B4 and it has the same crew of three men, commander, gunner, and driver. It is still powered by the same V-92S2F 1,130 HP engine, which had proved to be a reliable power plant in the civil war in Syria.

The reason to resuscitate this Cold War era main battle tank is due to the huge number of T-72s which Russia has in store, with more than 8,000 of them. 3,000 of them are still in service, with about 1,500 being the T-72B3 variant. With much stronger armor, new 125mm gun, with new fire-control system, sensors, and computer, it is almost to the level of the T-90M and the T-80BVM ‘Arctic’ main battle tank.

Below, the T-72B3M out of factory, on exhibition

Also referred to as the T-72B4, the T-72B3M can cope with the most modern armored vehicle on the battlefield, such as the Abrams M1A1 tank. (Video)



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